Bien que quelques régions de France soient toujours en hiver, le soleil tape sur la côte atlantique. Avec le changement d’heure et les températures, c’est presque comme si l’été était déjà revenu. Préparer l’été, c’est un peu un des meilleurs moment de l’année (après Noël bien sûr). Alors je me suis déjà penché sur les outfits de l’été, les tendances make up, les produits skincare … Une vue d’ensemble plutôt agréable ! Malgré tout, j’ai deux produits routine beauté qui ne changeront jamais d’un été sur l’autre. Un peu comme mes alliés, ou mes indispensables ! Alors je voulais vous présenter leurs actifs et vous partager leur efficacité !
Un baume à lèvres naturel dans le sac de plage
Le top 1 de tout mon été, celui que j’emmène dans mon sac de plage, dans mon sac à mains, le jour comme la nuit, c’est tout simplement le baume à lèvres. Aussi utile pour protéger du soleil que pour hydrater les lèvres qui s’assèchent avec le sel, l’eau ou le chlore ! Alors quitte à hydrater ses lèvres, autant utiliser un baume à lèvres qui soit vraiment efficace ! C’est pour ça que j’utilise celui de chez Le Rouge Français ! Qui est très protecteur et très hydratant. Il aide les cellules à se régénérer et l’utiliser quotidiennement apporte une vraie barrière protectrice. Il est bien évidemment fabriqué en France, et de façon éco-responsable avec des composants naturels. Il est composé de probiotique, d’acide hyaluronique et de chanvre. On retrouve également du beurre de cacao et de karité qui ont pour effet d’être réparateurs et nourrissants. Mais aussi de l’huiles de jojoba, d’abricot de tournesol et de ricin, qui vont être assouplissants et anti-oxydants. Et enfin, des cires végétales de riz, de candelilla et de carnauba pour l’effet protection !
Un gommage au café éco-responsable
En second, j’imagine qu’il s’agit d’un indispensable pour beaucoup : le gommage. Impossible de passer l’été sans gommage, pour préparer sa peau au bronzage, pour enlever toutes les peaux mortes, pour aider la peau à se régénérer, pour éviter l’effet peau sèche … Impossible de se passer du gommage, et encore moins l’été. Celui que j’aime tout particulièrement est celui de chez Terre de Mars, il est composé de pleins d’actifs naturels très efficaces mais surtout, de café ! Comme la plupart des produits de la marque ! Et depuis que je l’ai découvert, je ne m’en passe plus ! Le café à un effet exceptionnel sur la peau et vous pourrez difficilement changer de gommage après avoir utilisé celui-ci !
3149 réactions
1 De Delia - 20/05/2022, 14:20
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2 De - 20/05/2022, 20:32
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3 De Selene - 21/05/2022, 08:24
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4 De balance of nature - 21/05/2022, 14:36
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6 De - 23/05/2022, 20:35
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7 De Shonda - 23/05/2022, 22:27
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8 De balance of nature - 23/05/2022, 22:52
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9 De Kiera - 24/05/2022, 04:33
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10 De Georgia - 24/05/2022, 06:43
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11 De - 24/05/2022, 08:02
12 De - 24/05/2022, 08:18
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13 De Rachelle - 24/05/2022, 11:05
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14 De - 24/05/2022, 11:15
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15 De - 24/05/2022, 12:58
16 De - 24/05/2022, 13:51
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17 De Heike - 24/05/2022, 15:04
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18 De Vickey - 24/05/2022, 17:08
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19 De - 24/05/2022, 17:13
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20 De Kandis - 24/05/2022, 17:38
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21 De Louann - 24/05/2022, 20:51
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22 De Shoshana - 24/05/2022, 23:22
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23 De Leah - 24/05/2022, 23:23
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24 De Wendell - 24/05/2022, 23:54
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25 De Randal - 25/05/2022, 03:57
26 De - 25/05/2022, 04:43
27 De - 25/05/2022, 04:54
28 De balance of nature - 25/05/2022, 04:59
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29 De Rusty - 25/05/2022, 05:06
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30 De Berry - 25/05/2022, 06:30
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31 De balance of nature - 25/05/2022, 08:23
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32 De - 25/05/2022, 08:24
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33 De Gail - 25/05/2022, 08:58
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35 De Ronny - 25/05/2022, 10:45
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36 De - 25/05/2022, 11:12
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37 De Candace - 25/05/2022, 11:49
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38 De Ada - 25/05/2022, 12:41
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39 De - 25/05/2022, 12:51
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41 De - 25/05/2022, 13:22
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42 De Benito - 25/05/2022, 14:02
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43 De - 25/05/2022, 15:27
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44 De - 25/05/2022, 17:09
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45 De Sven - 25/05/2022, 19:46
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46 De - 25/05/2022, 20:08
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47 De - 25/05/2022, 23:14
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48 De Ava - 26/05/2022, 01:10
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49 De Stephan - 26/05/2022, 03:49
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50 De - 26/05/2022, 03:57
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51 De Charlie - 26/05/2022, 04:57
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52 De Winnie - 26/05/2022, 05:03
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53 De balance of nature - 26/05/2022, 05:17
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54 De - 26/05/2022, 05:44
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55 De;u=80315 - 26/05/2022, 08:45
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57 De - 26/05/2022, 12:07
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58 De Micheal - 26/05/2022, 13:03
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60 De Gregorio - 26/05/2022, 14:33
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62 De - 26/05/2022, 15:49
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64 De Cynthia - 26/05/2022, 17:39
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65 De balance of nature - 26/05/2022, 20:02
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66 De Steve - 26/05/2022, 21:07
67 De Maryann - 26/05/2022, 21:40
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69 De Earle - 27/05/2022, 02:51
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72 De Siobhan - 27/05/2022, 04:50
73 De Lauri - 27/05/2022, 04:55
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74 De Mason - 27/05/2022, 06:00
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75 De - 27/05/2022, 06:10
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76 De 年代 - 27/05/2022, 06:23
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77 De Demetrius - 27/05/2022, 08:55
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79 De Jacques - 27/05/2022, 11:54
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80 De balance of nature - 27/05/2022, 12:37
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81 De - 27/05/2022, 14:45
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82 De Iva - 27/05/2022, 15:24
83 De Lindsey - 27/05/2022, 16:59
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85 De - 27/05/2022, 18:49
86 De - 27/05/2022, 20:35
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87 De Demetrius - 27/05/2022, 21:05
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88 De Huey - 27/05/2022, 21:33
89 De - 27/05/2022, 21:37
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92 De Zita - 28/05/2022, 01:11
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94 De - 28/05/2022, 02:38
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95 De balance of nature - 28/05/2022, 04:19
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96 De Gina - 28/05/2022, 04:29
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100 De Edward - 28/05/2022, 06:07
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101 De Twila - 28/05/2022, 06:18
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102 De balance of nature - 28/05/2022, 06:36
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103 De Isabella - 28/05/2022, 07:16
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104 De Shantae - 28/05/2022, 08:48
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105 De Serena - 28/05/2022, 08:57
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106 De - 28/05/2022, 09:58
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107 De - 28/05/2022, 11:54
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108 De;u=22721 - 28/05/2022, 16:01
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109 De Caitlin - 28/05/2022, 21:53
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110 De - 29/05/2022, 00:00
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111 De - 29/05/2022, 02:58
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113 De - 29/05/2022, 10:57
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115 De Wilhemina - 29/05/2022, 17:43
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116 De Torsten - 29/05/2022, 22:45
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117 De - 29/05/2022, 23:19
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118 De - 30/05/2022, 09:56
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121 De balance of nature - 30/05/2022, 16:57
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122 De Lavonne - 30/05/2022, 17:13
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123 De - 30/05/2022, 17:50
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124 De - 30/05/2022, 21:20
125 De Larue - 30/05/2022, 22:42
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126 De Anibal - 30/05/2022, 23:48
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127 De - 31/05/2022, 00:02
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128 De Eloy - 31/05/2022, 07:41
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129 De balance of nature - 31/05/2022, 10:34
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130 De balance of nature - 31/05/2022, 10:44
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131 De - 31/05/2022, 14:46
132 De Rachelle - 31/05/2022, 18:16
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238 De Isabelle - 29/06/2022, 20:50
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239 De - 30/06/2022, 05:11
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240 De ma clé windows - 30/06/2022, 09:19
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242 De balance of nature - 01/07/2022, 05:16
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243 De Don - 01/07/2022, 05:38
244 De Audrea - 01/07/2022, 06:47
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245 De Tammy - 01/07/2022, 07:48
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246 De - 01/07/2022, 10:03
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247 De - 01/07/2022, 10:12
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249 De audit seo - 01/07/2022, 13:10
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250 De Sherryl - 01/07/2022, 15:31
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251 De balance of nature - 01/07/2022, 15:54
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252 De - 01/07/2022, 16:16
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253 De - 01/07/2022, 16:53
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254 De - 01/07/2022, 23:45
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255 De balance of nature - 02/07/2022, 03:24
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258 De - 02/07/2022, 08:01
259 De - 02/07/2022, 12:40
260 De Collin - 02/07/2022, 16:39
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261 De Jonathan - 02/07/2022, 18:27
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262 De - 02/07/2022, 20:16
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263 De - 03/07/2022, 00:28
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264 De SBOBET88 - 03/07/2022, 01:49
Very interesting topic, regards for putting up.
265 De - 03/07/2022, 07:44
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266 De - 03/07/2022, 08:25
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267 De Cyrus - 03/07/2022, 13:49
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268 De Percy - 03/07/2022, 14:38
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269 De - 03/07/2022, 17:09
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270 De Blair - 03/07/2022, 18:41
271 De - 03/07/2022, 21:07
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272 De - 03/07/2022, 21:16
273 De - 04/07/2022, 06:50
274 De - 04/07/2022, 09:44
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275 De balance of nature - 04/07/2022, 10:24
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276 De - 04/07/2022, 13:44
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277 De;u=659501 - 04/07/2022, 17:47
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278 De Hortense - 05/07/2022, 01:42
279 De - 05/07/2022, 13:19
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280 De WG88 - 05/07/2022, 17:38
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293 De balance of nature - 10/07/2022, 02:03
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294 De - 10/07/2022, 08:07
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295 De Jani - 10/07/2022, 13:39
296 De - 10/07/2022, 20:50
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297 De slot888 - 10/07/2022, 21:39
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301 De Millie - 11/07/2022, 10:03
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302 De Franklin - 11/07/2022, 18:55
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303 De - 11/07/2022, 21:22
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304 De Malcolm - 12/07/2022, 02:13
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305 De Aleida - 12/07/2022, 15:12
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306 De - 12/07/2022, 15:18
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307 De - 12/07/2022, 17:26
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308 De - 14/07/2022, 19:58
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309 De Kiera - 15/07/2022, 06:15
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312 De - 15/07/2022, 23:51
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313 De - 16/07/2022, 00:58
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314 De Eva - 16/07/2022, 04:14
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315 De Maximilian - 16/07/2022, 07:11
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316 De - 16/07/2022, 07:20
317 De - 16/07/2022, 07:33
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318 De Marc - 16/07/2022, 07:47
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319 De Olive - 16/07/2022, 08:24
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320 De Nora - 16/07/2022, 08:52
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321 De Phil - 16/07/2022, 12:43
322 De Foster - 16/07/2022, 13:44
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323 De balance of nature - 16/07/2022, 15:01
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324 De Summer - 16/07/2022, 15:07
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325 De Star - 16/07/2022, 17:34
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328 De Donald - 16/07/2022, 21:22
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331 De Randell - 16/07/2022, 22:09
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332 De Kimber - 16/07/2022, 23:00
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333 De balance of nature - 16/07/2022, 23:50
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335 De Milton - 17/07/2022, 02:34
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336 De Verena - 17/07/2022, 03:44
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338 De balance of nature - 17/07/2022, 04:54
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339 De Clay - 17/07/2022, 05:35
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341 De Omer - 17/07/2022, 06:51
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344 De Wendi - 17/07/2022, 13:31
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346 De Jefferson - 17/07/2022, 15:04
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348 De Silke - 17/07/2022, 19:25
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349 De balance of nature - 18/07/2022, 01:42
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351 De Marta - 18/07/2022, 14:52
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352 De balance of nature - 19/07/2022, 16:56
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353 De - 20/07/2022, 06:02
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354 De balance of nature - 20/07/2022, 11:58
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355 De Quinn - 20/07/2022, 13:57
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356 De Deena - 21/07/2022, 01:43
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357 De - 21/07/2022, 05:49
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360 De Wyatt - 21/07/2022, 17:52
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361 De Mac - 21/07/2022, 21:51
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364 De Frank - 22/07/2022, 08:08
365 De balance of nature - 22/07/2022, 08:21
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367 De balance of nature - 22/07/2022, 11:04
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375 De balance of nature - 23/07/2022, 08:43
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376 De Candace - 23/07/2022, 11:25
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381 De balance of nature - 24/07/2022, 12:28
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382 De - 24/07/2022, 20:18
383 De Natisha - 25/07/2022, 16:24
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384 De Donna - 25/07/2022, 16:31
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385 De Pearline - 25/07/2022, 17:02
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386 De - 26/07/2022, 00:29
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387 De - 26/07/2022, 11:15
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388 De - 27/07/2022, 03:14
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389 De Virgilio - 27/07/2022, 11:23
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390 De - 27/07/2022, 17:37
391 De Tim - 28/07/2022, 03:19
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392 De Jenni - 29/07/2022, 19:55
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393 De Myles - 29/07/2022, 19:59
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394 De Viola - 29/07/2022, 21:51
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395 De - 29/07/2022, 22:08
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396 De balance of nature - 30/07/2022, 00:29
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397 De Norberto - 30/07/2022, 02:30
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398 De Sibyl - 30/07/2022, 05:51
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399 De - 30/07/2022, 07:59
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402 De - 30/07/2022, 14:51
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403 De Ariel - 30/07/2022, 18:17
404 De - 30/07/2022, 21:01
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405 De Dell - 30/07/2022, 21:52
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406 De Kathi - 31/07/2022, 06:54
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407 De - 31/07/2022, 08:34
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408 De Alejandro - 31/07/2022, 16:44
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409 De Larry - 31/07/2022, 17:02
410 De - 31/07/2022, 20:48
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411 De Margo - 01/08/2022, 02:44
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412 De Winnie - 01/08/2022, 03:22
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413 De - 01/08/2022, 09:05
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414 De - 01/08/2022, 20:56
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415 De balance of nature - 02/08/2022, 00:56
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416 De Neva - 02/08/2022, 01:41
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417 De Annette - 03/08/2022, 15:29
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418 De Ken - 03/08/2022, 16:20
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419 De Nichol - 03/08/2022, 17:47
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420 De - 04/08/2022, 03:58
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421 De - 17/08/2022, 16:43
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422 De Madeleine - 17/08/2022, 17:01
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423 De - 17/08/2022, 17:05
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424 De balance of nature - 17/08/2022, 18:51
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425 De Hans - 17/08/2022, 19:36
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426 De Delia - 17/08/2022, 20:30
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427 De Milo - 17/08/2022, 20:35
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428 De Noble - 17/08/2022, 20:39
429 De - 17/08/2022, 20:42
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433 De - 18/08/2022, 01:56
434 De Issac - 18/08/2022, 02:04
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435 De Micheal - 18/08/2022, 03:44
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436 De Anja - 18/08/2022, 03:53
437 De Sonia - 18/08/2022, 04:07
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438 De balance of nature - 18/08/2022, 05:43
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439 De - 18/08/2022, 07:10
440 De - 18/08/2022, 07:14
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441 De Miles - 18/08/2022, 07:19
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442 De Kathrin - 18/08/2022, 07:31
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443 De - 18/08/2022, 08:00
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444 De Stacy - 18/08/2022, 09:18
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445 De Alejandro - 18/08/2022, 09:49
446 De Kali - 18/08/2022, 10:25
447 De Toby - 18/08/2022, 10:38
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448 De - 18/08/2022, 15:28
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449 De - 18/08/2022, 15:42
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450 De Nell - 18/08/2022, 16:16
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452 De - 18/08/2022, 17:53
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453 De Andy - 18/08/2022, 17:55
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454 De Charolette - 18/08/2022, 18:46
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455 De - 19/08/2022, 02:18
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456 De Clint - 19/08/2022, 02:27
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457 De - 19/08/2022, 02:51
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458 De Dorcas - 19/08/2022, 07:36
459 De balance of nature - 19/08/2022, 12:39
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460 De - 19/08/2022, 14:21
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461 De Florencia - 19/08/2022, 17:09
462 De Gia - 19/08/2022, 18:12
463 De Latanya - 19/08/2022, 18:18
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464 De balance of nature - 19/08/2022, 20:49
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465 De - 20/08/2022, 05:45
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466 De Fernando - 20/08/2022, 10:03
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467 De Valentin - 20/08/2022, 10:06
468 De - 21/08/2022, 16:12
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469 De balance of nature - 21/08/2022, 19:12
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470 De Gale - 23/08/2022, 12:23
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471 De balance of nature - 23/08/2022, 12:53
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472 De Felix - 24/08/2022, 09:41
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473 De - 25/08/2022, 11:09
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474 De Katherine - 31/08/2022, 03:16
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498 De Arlette - 31/08/2022, 08:15
Today, I went to the beach front with my children. I found
a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said "You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear."
She placed the shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and
it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I
know this is completely off topic but I had to tell someone!
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to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear.
She never wants to go back! LoL I know this is entirely off topic but I had to tell
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at options for another platform. I would be great if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.
782 De Jermaine - 27/02/2023, 06:51
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running a blog.
783 De Reva - 27/02/2023, 08:39
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784 De Larry - 27/02/2023, 13:29
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785 De Sterling - 27/02/2023, 14:01
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few of your ideas!!
786 De Lawrence - 27/02/2023, 15:37
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787 De Letha - 27/02/2023, 15:49
After I originally commented I appear to have clicked the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox and from now on whenever a comment is added
I receive 4 emails with the same comment. There has to be an easy method you can remove me from that service?
Many thanks!
788 De Cory - 27/02/2023, 17:06
Hey just wanted to give you a brief heads up and let
you know a few of the images aren't loading properly.
I'm not sure why but I think its a linking issue.
I've tried it in two different web browsers and both show the
same outcome.
789 De Chastity - 27/02/2023, 18:33
Write more, thats all I have to say. Literally, it
seems as though you relied on the video to make your point.
You clearly know what youre talking about, why throw away your intelligence on just
posting videos to your weblog when you could be giving
us something informative to read?
790 De Robyn - 27/02/2023, 23:17
I truly love your blog.. Great colors & theme. Did you create this website yourself?
Please reply back as I'm hoping to create my own personal website and want to
find out where you got this from or just what the
theme is called. Thank you!
791 De Ava - 27/02/2023, 23:52
Wow that was strange. I just wrote an extremely long comment but after I clicked
submit my comment didn't appear. Grrrr... well I'm
not writing all that over again. Anyways, just wanted to say superb blog!
792 De Roger - 28/02/2023, 00:52
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unpredicted feelings.
793 De Dee - 28/02/2023, 05:09
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794 De Rosalyn - 28/02/2023, 06:10
An impressive share! I have just forwarded this onto a co-worker who was doing a little research on this.
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lol. So let me reword this.... Thanks for the meal!!
But yeah, thanks for spending some time to discuss this issue here on your internet site.
795 De Hortense - 28/02/2023, 06:39
Hey! Quick question that's totally off topic. Do you know how to make your site mobile friendly?
My weblog looks weird when browsing from my apple iphone.
I'm trying to find a theme or plugin that might be
able to correct this issue. If you have any suggestions,
please share. Thank you!
796 De Milton - 28/02/2023, 06:59
Why people still use to read news papers when in this
technological world all is available on net?
797 De Herman - 28/02/2023, 07:28
Quality posts is the crucial to be a focus for the people to pay a
quick visit the web site, that's what this web page
is providing.
798 De Margherita - 28/02/2023, 14:55
Hmm it looks like your blog ate my first comment (it was super long) so I guess I'll just sum it up what I had written and
say, I'm thoroughly enjoying your blog. I too am an aspiring blog blogger but I'm still new to everything.
Do you have any tips for rookie blog writers? I'd genuinely appreciate it.
799 De Cleta - 28/02/2023, 22:39
I believe everything said was actually very reasonable.
However, think about this, what if you were
to write a awesome headline? I ain't suggesting your content is
not solid., but what if you added something that makes people want
more? I mean Mes alliés beauté de l’été - Astuces
beauté is kinda boring. You ought to peek at Yahoo's home page and note how they create post titles
to grab people interested. You might add a related video or a picture or
two to get readers interested about what you've got to say.
In my opinion, it would make your blog a little
bit more interesting.
800 De Muoi - 01/03/2023, 00:23
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I've saved it for later!
801 De Lorrie - 01/03/2023, 04:20
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talking about! Thanks
802 De Tania - 01/03/2023, 06:35
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visit this website daily.
803 De Monroe - 01/03/2023, 12:55
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804 De Chance - 01/03/2023, 23:45
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805 De Lyn - 02/03/2023, 07:18
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806 De Maple - 02/03/2023, 09:41
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807 De Daniele - 02/03/2023, 14:43
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810 De Jonah - 03/03/2023, 04:14
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811 De Oren - 03/03/2023, 09:20
Hello! I know this is kinda off topic but I was wondering which blog platform are you using for this website?
I'm getting sick and tired of Wordpress because I've had issues with hackers and I'm looking at
options for another platform. I would be fantastic if you could point me
in the direction of a good platform.
812 De Kathlene - 03/03/2023, 19:33
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with Search Engine Optimization? I'm trying to get my blog to rank
for some targeted keywords but I'm not seeing very good
success. If you know of any please share. Appreciate it!
813 De Andreas - 04/03/2023, 14:21
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814 De Seth - 04/03/2023, 16:16
Today, I went to the beach with my children. I found a sea shell and gave
it to my 4 year old daughter and said "You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear." She placed the
shell to her ear and screamed. There was a hermit crab inside and
it pinched her ear. She never wants to go back! LoL I know
this is completely off topic but I had to
tell someone!
815 De Margherita - 04/03/2023, 20:34
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post I realized it's new to me. Anyhow, I'm definitely happy I found it and I'll be book-marking and
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816 De Karissa - 04/03/2023, 22:54
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Great site, keep it up!
817 De Sherryl - 05/03/2023, 10:53
Hi there! I realize this is kind of off-topic but I needed to ask.
Does managing a well-established blog such as yours take a large amount of work?
I'm completely new to blogging but I do write in my diary everyday.
I'd like to start a blog so I will be able to share
my personal experience and feelings online. Please let me know if you have any suggestions or tips for brand new aspiring blog owners.
818 De Dustin - 05/03/2023, 13:19
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821 De Kennith - 06/03/2023, 06:17
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824 De Gary - 07/03/2023, 07:14
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825 De Lashawnda - 07/03/2023, 16:24
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831 De Angeline - 08/03/2023, 17:52
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835 De Elisha - 09/03/2023, 11:52
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Please let me know where you got your theme. Bless you
836 De Tiffany - 09/03/2023, 12:58
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838 De Vicente - 10/03/2023, 05:58
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platform are you using for this website? I'm getting fed up of Wordpress because I've had
problems with hackers and I'm looking at alternatives
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850 De Maryjo - 15/03/2023, 10:49
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851 De Joni - 15/03/2023, 22:05
When I originally commented I clicked the "Notify me when new comments are added" checkbox and now each time a comment is
added I get several e-mails with the same comment.
Is there any way you can remove me from that service? Thank you!
852 De Stephan - 16/03/2023, 03:54
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855 De Porter - 17/03/2023, 02:37
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856 De Reece - 18/03/2023, 12:00
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862 De Karry - 19/03/2023, 17:23
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874 De Florida - 14/04/2023, 15:49
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875 De Vern - 14/04/2023, 17:24
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877 De Lionel - 15/04/2023, 00:41
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882 De Emilie - 15/04/2023, 13:14
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885 De Madelaine - 15/04/2023, 17:21
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893 De Samira - 16/04/2023, 02:54
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896 De Francisco - 16/04/2023, 05:10
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897 De Brady - 16/04/2023, 06:26
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957 De Collette - 24/04/2023, 21:16
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973 De Florian - 12/05/2023, 23:08
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981 De Florene - 13/05/2023, 09:19
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984 De Emelia - 13/05/2023, 14:30
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991 De Hattie - 13/05/2023, 17:46
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Do you have any ideas or suggestions? Cheers
992 De Wilfred - 13/05/2023, 17:51
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993 De Heather - 13/05/2023, 18:17
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994 De Eloisa - 13/05/2023, 18:28
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997 De Belinda - 13/05/2023, 19:41
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web without my authorization. Do you know any techniques to help reduce content
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1169 De Eva - 07/06/2023, 23:23
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1174 De Marta - 08/06/2023, 06:08
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Do you have any points or suggestions? Thanks
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1194 De Danilo - 10/06/2023, 01:06
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1277 De Tobias - 30/06/2023, 20:59
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1278 De Alfred - 30/06/2023, 22:26
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1287 De Isabella - 01/07/2023, 13:48
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1297 De Franziska - 01/07/2023, 23:58
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Bless you!
1298 De Alex - 02/07/2023, 01:52
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1553 De Damaris - 17/07/2023, 12:01
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1564 De Cathleen - 17/07/2023, 14:45
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1568 De Ramonita - 17/07/2023, 15:33
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1571 De Jeremy - 17/07/2023, 15:47
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if this is happening to them as well? This might be a issue with my internet browser because I've had
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1572 De Sybil - 17/07/2023, 15:48
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1577 De Nestor - 17/07/2023, 17:42
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1578 De Layla - 17/07/2023, 18:42
Hey there would you mind stating which blog platform
you're using? I'm looking to start my own blog in the
near future but I'm having a difficult time choosing between BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal.
The reason I ask is because your design seems different then most blogs and I'm looking for something unique.
P.S Apologies for getting off-topic but I had to ask!
1579 De Sybil - 17/07/2023, 19:14
My coder is trying to convince me to move to .net from PHP.
I have always disliked the idea because of the costs.
But he's tryiong none the less. I've been using WordPress on various websites for about a year and am concerned about
switching to another platform. I have heard good things about
Is there a way I can import all my wordpress posts into it?
Any help would be really appreciated!
1580 De Jenny - 17/07/2023, 19:20
Good day! This is my first comment here so I just wanted to give a quick shout out
and tell you I truly enjoy reading your articles.
Can you recommend any other blogs/websites/forums that deal
with the same topics? Appreciate it!
1581 De Linnie - 17/07/2023, 19:35
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Cheers! Exactly where are your contact details though?
1582 De Horacio - 17/07/2023, 20:33
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1583 De Winfred - 17/07/2023, 20:39
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Too cool!
1584 De Lorene - 17/07/2023, 20:52
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God Bless you man. Have a nice day. Bye
1585 De Harry - 17/07/2023, 21:38
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for? you made blogging look easy. The overall look of
your website is fantastic, as well as the content!
1586 De Buford - 17/07/2023, 22:09
Awesome blog! Do you have any tips and hints for aspiring
writers? I'm hoping to start my own site soon but I'm a little lost
on everything. Would you recommend starting with a free platform like Wordpress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I'm totally overwhelmed ..
Any ideas? Cheers!
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1588 De Emilio - 18/07/2023, 00:17
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1589 De Jefferson - 18/07/2023, 04:20
Wow that was unusual. I just wrote an extremely long comment but after
I clicked submit my comment didn't show up. Grrrr...
well I'm not writing all that over again. Anyhow,
just wanted to say great blog!
1590 De Lacy - 18/07/2023, 04:59
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for supplying this info.
1591 De Gerard - 18/07/2023, 05:27
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1593 De Lora - 18/07/2023, 07:12
Highly descriptive blog, I loved that bit. Will there be a part 2?
1594 De Starla - 18/07/2023, 07:16
I believe everything said was very reasonable.
But, think about this, suppose you were to write a killer title?
I mean, I don't wish to tell you how to run your website, however what if you added a
title that grabbed a person's attention? I mean Mes alliés beauté
de l’été - Astuces beauté is kinda vanilla. You could look at Yahoo's front
page and note how they write post headlines to
grab people to open the links. You might add a video or a pic or two to grab readers interested about what you've got to say.
In my opinion, it might bring your blog a little livelier.
1595 De Mollie - 18/07/2023, 07:48
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1596 De Gerald - 18/07/2023, 08:04
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1598 De Simone - 18/07/2023, 08:55
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1602 De Patricia - 18/07/2023, 09:51
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1618 De Sheldon - 18/07/2023, 15:06
This is a topic which is close to my heart... Take care!
Exactly where are your contact details though?
1619 De Eloisa - 18/07/2023, 15:07
Hey I know this is off topic but I was wondering if you knew of any widgets
I could add to my blog that automatically tweet my newest twitter updates.
I've been looking for a plug-in like this for quite some time and was hoping maybe you would have
some experience with something like this. Please let me know if you run into anything.
I truly enjoy reading your blog and I look forward to your new updates.
1620 De Isabell - 18/07/2023, 15:15
When I originally commented I clicked the "Notify me when new comments are added" checkbox
and now each time a comment is added I get four emails with the same comment.
Is there any way you can remove people from that service? Cheers!
1621 De Andrew - 18/07/2023, 15:24
When I initially commented I seem to have clicked on the -Notify me when new comments are added- checkbox
and now each time a comment is added I receive 4 emails with the
exact same comment. Is there a way you can remove me from that service?
Appreciate it!
1622 De Deana - 18/07/2023, 15:29
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1623 De Dirk - 18/07/2023, 16:03
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thanks a lot
1624 De Wallace - 18/07/2023, 16:12
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1626 De Everett - 18/07/2023, 16:14
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1627 De Veta - 18/07/2023, 16:20
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1632 De Tammi - 18/07/2023, 18:14
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1633 De Niki - 18/07/2023, 18:23
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I get so much lately it's driving me crazy so any support is very much appreciated.
1634 De Claribel - 18/07/2023, 18:27
My coder is trying to persuade me to move to .net from PHP.
I have always disliked the idea because of the expenses.
But he's tryiong none the less. I've been using Movable-type on a number of websites for about
a year and am worried about switching to another platform.
I have heard excellent things about
Is there a way I can import all my wordpress content into it?
Any kind of help would be really appreciated!
1635 De Lorenzo - 18/07/2023, 18:39
Saved as a favorite, I really like your website!
1636 De Everett - 18/07/2023, 18:46
Hi, I think your blog might be having browser compatibility
issues. When I look at your website in Opera, it looks fine but when opening in Internet Explorer, it has some
overlapping. I just wanted to give you a quick heads up!
Other then that, great blog!
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1642 De Tory - 18/07/2023, 23:20
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1643 De Ezequiel - 18/07/2023, 23:25
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Does operating a well-established blog such as yours
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I'd like to start a blog so I can share my experience and feelings online.
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new aspiring blog owners. Thankyou!
1644 De Juliane - 18/07/2023, 23:47
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1647 De Greta - 19/07/2023, 00:56
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